Asset class

Debito cineseChinese debt
10.00 %
Convertible bonds a focus geografico globaleConvertible bonds with global geographical focus
10.00 %
Covered bondsCovered bonds
10.00 %
Debito societario/corporate Investment GradeCorporate debt/corporate investment grade
10.00 %
Global macro mixed allocation Global macro mixed allocation
10.00 %
10.00 %
Obbligazionario aggregate a focus geografico globaleAggregate Bonds with global geographic focus
20.00 %
Obbligazionario flessibileFlexible Bond
10.00 %
Unconstrained bonds Unconstrained bonds
10.00 %
(from beginning of operation to 30/11/2023)
6.31 %

Your performance

If you had invested

in the month of

end of

the value of your portfolio would have been:

Past performance is not indicative of future performance and may not be repeated.
All performance data are gross of custody management or administration fees